Bonus farmville 2

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FARMVILLE : + 500BILLETS GRATUITES. The item you get is randomly generated AS you select it and not pre-determined as the reveal . When a line of orders is complete the whole 4xboard is reset; prizes at set point levels; bonus Circus Peanuts for completing boards. This feature is permanent and available to players Level and up.

There are more than just one level to play. Follow us and be the first to learn more about our games. Name, Unlock Level, Special Abilities. Farmville 2: Get Free Bonus Farm Bucks! Quel agriculteur ne connait pas cette situation : la grange est pleine à craquer, les récoltes arrivent à maturité et il faut les stocker quelque part . It is not easy as you must have maximum bonus points of any crop to win gold.

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