Counter sivir

Sivir players usually stay in lane forever and push waves continuously. If playing a champion with CC against Sivir, either use your stun when her spell shield . Sivir is an attack damage carry who plays in the bottom lane with a support.

She has high early game damage and can counter many supports and attack . Guide Sivir ADC S- Découvrez nos conseils pour jouer la Vierge martiale, qui coûte 4PI. Buil counter, items, maîtrises et runes . You are having an honorable match against your comrade and you ask us who counter his choice?

Data is aggregated and refreshed daily. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for . Hello Summoner School community, I am a Silver III support main who is having a lot of trouble dealing with Sivir. Peça por ganks quando você ver que Sivir está na lane a muito tempo e sem sentinelas a favor dela.

Tente fazer com que Sivir use seu Escudo de Feitiço (E) . Tristana has better range and better damage potential and early game escapes, she should also beat Sivir in lane and in 1vwith equal farm. Explore Sivir stats and play data to increase your Sivir game play skills! Sivir counter picks and stats have been analyzed from 560games over the last days. BertaMcclend sivir counter sivir counters season sivir counter support sivir counters and more sivir counters 6.

Saiba contra quem ela é ruim ou boa. Quais os melhores itens e feitiços para dar counter, e quais os melhores campeões para . Gegen wen ist Sivir stark und schwach? Campeões com CC contra Sivir devem usar a habilidade quando o escudo estiver em cooldown, ou persegui-la e aguardar a duração do escudo acabar para . I have been hearing this a lot lately and I never understood the idea. Champion Stats, Beliebtheit, Winrate, die besten Items und Spells. Sivir can harass vayne from range and shove the wave making it difficult . League of Legends Beschwörer Ranglisten, Statistiken, Fähigkeiten, Item-Builds.

Guides will show users how to play champions, how the champions match up and what runes and . Guide Caitlyn S- AD Carry : Items, build et counter pour la saison 4. Sivir (difficile) : Sivir est un counter dans le sens où elle aussi à une . By far the most important champion this season, Sivir has. There are no counters to that ability due to it being just a flat team wide speed buff. Find the best Sivir counter, items buil guides abilities to play the champion. Learn how to counter play or play against Sivir with our guide.

If it hits you on the way out, avoid its path on the way back. Boomerang Blade costs a lot of mana to cast, so dodging it sets Sivir back. Honestly, I have no idea what counters Sivir. With his W up, he should be able to out trade Sivir, as long as he dodges her Q .