Troll face quest 1

Ce jeu a les plus faibles casse-tête pour les vrais amateurs de blagues éculées! Jeux Pointer Cliquer sélectionnés avec soin rien que pour toi ! Effectuez une suite de coups spéciale dans chaque puzzle.

Find solutions, solve the puzzles and protect the troll face to get caught by other Trolls. Ce jeu testera un petit personnage de bâtons au pur style Saw! Aide ce petit innocent à se sortir de chaque défi . Donne une note à ce jeu (de à Manettes).

It tests your strategy skills and makes you stop and think about. Though you walk through the valley of the shadow of the lolz, fear no trolls. Dit spel heeft de allerflauwste puzzels voor de echte liefhebbers van melige grappen! Usually you play games, but this game plays you.

Trollface Quest Full Gameplay Walkthrough All Levels. I am more than happy to allow you to use my image in your game! Cumpra cada uma das atividades, pensando de uma maneira criativa para se . Use your mouse and imagination to find the lolz and make the trolls. Probeer wel vrolijk te blijven terwijl je .

Non perdere la calma in questo sadico gioco! Trova insolite soluzioni a questi divertenti puzzle! Shared: Jun 20Modified: Aug 2015. Nu-ți pierde cumpătul în acest joc sadic de logică!

Găsește rezolvările netradiționale pentru aceste probleme . Love the memes of 4chan, 9gag and reddit? Wish there was a new way to throw yourself into the world of lolcats, quickmemes and well, those real internet LOLs . Auch wenn du spazierst im Tal der Schatten der LOLs. Cette solution pour Troll Face Quest Classic est proposé par les sonicOring avec un guide vidéo de vidéos pour les niveaux à 37.

Troll face Quest offers a series of puzzles all the more absurd than the other. It belongs to the Genre Online Adventure Games and is a Flash Online Game. Level :Klikněte na prostřední klec v dolní řadě a máte hotovo level 2 . JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. There is a wizard that turns you into an elephant.

Find the unorthodox solutions to these hilarious puzzles.