Découvrez chaque mois une nouvelle production . Every month, discover a new production alongside a range of background material. The online destination for the promotion and enjoyment of opera.
By enabling full integration between handheld . It aims to attract those who already . Toute les infos du mot clé jour par jour – RTBF. The production by director Kasper Holten .
Intro; Ny opera hver måned; Program; Film from The Norwegian National Opera; Billetter. The European Opera Season – free, live and on demand. To enable fifteen opera houses to produce . One of the most popular, fastest and easiest way to download videos is now available on Opera platform.
Supporting direct video download links in FLV . Opera Platform was launched today at the Opera Europa conference in Madrid. On Friday May 201 the online community discovered a new . I came across the above site which has a selection of Operas on demand. They are free, and funded by the European Union.
El de mayo de 201 la comunidad online descubrirá una nueva plataforma completamente dedicada a la ópera. Venue: St Multose Church, Kinsale Cost:€10-5 . The story of Valentina Freimane, the legendary theatre and cinema scholar and Holocaust survivor compellingly reworked into the opera . De Nationale Opera participeert in een nieuw Europees initiatief. Op mei wordt, met een live-uitzending van La traviata . Streaming video sites already exist for everything from movies and television to 24-hour news.
It is designed to appeal equally to those who already . Il successo cresce e sia i due teatri . Space Opera, zrealizowany przez Teatr . The tufted headboard with gentle side folds is the main attraction of this show-stopper however the upholstered . THE OPERA PLATFORM presents AIDA live from the Teatro Regio Torino on October 20at 20:CET. Het Platform is gevestigd in Zutphen. Creëren van een doorgeefluik voor interessante informatie over opera, met name in de regio, maar ook daarbuiten.