Travian Reports : Compresseur de Rapports de Combats. Site de création de rapports de combat pour travian. Here you can easily create battle report links to show to others. Voici un rapport de combat compressé, et ensuite, la méthode pour le . I had more reports but they dissaperead somehow i had over 30k Deff troops.
InGame Messages (IGMs) BBCode in IGMs Sorting function for messages You tried to send too many messages in a short time Report as spam Ignore players . At the beginning, it did not work correctly but in few months it was fixed.
Now, the converter creates not only the battle reports . Get a full report of their traffic statistics and market share. Team Hellsy Abhisek,Tamojoy,Smerker abhisek. T-R now automatically detects the language. Quick re-send of farm raids and auto processing of farming reports.
TR) is a battle report converter, it allows the distribution of in game reports from any travian server to an external . Jaké jsou podle vás rozdíly mezi travian-reports. Já například vím, že v travian-reports . I will show you some reports(traivan) from slowenian server si2. Greatest Battle Reports of the Server! If you have a brilliant attack or defence . Whois lookup, top search keywords, websites using Adsense . Well, Here are some of the old comreports of Midgame artifacts defenses.
Ahoj chcel by som sa Vás spýtať že ako sa robí report. Zaútočil som na SKna jedného hráča a chcem poslať môjmu kamošovi report s toho . The battle reports are from tservers and have tnumbers and hero bonus. A Firefox add-on that is able to generate battle reports at the site travilog. Hi, I have found some artefacts report.
They come from last IN server (June 2015). For each attack that occurs, two reports are generated – an attacker report and the defender report. Often, the two reports are identical.